Online Shopping:
So convinient and reliable at times. I don't think I've ever had a problem with a company, shipping or product, the problem is once i start it's hard to stop. No I'm no where close to being in debt or out of money, thankgod but NYX cosmetics is haveg a HUGE dollar blowout sale where regular priced select items from all area of the website are just $1!!! How could i pass it up? I couldn't that's the problem. I placed an order on the 17th of about seventeen things- so not bad for what i got.. not at all I soon cringed at the shipping total of about eleven dollars, but again twenty seven dollars for NYX and so much of it wasnt bad. It's onlt the end of the week and being bored online i looked again at the site. BAD IDEA. I found more things that i wanted to try adn since the sale is over 1/25/2010 i didn't want to miss this opprotunity. long story short and another thirty dollars later..i will NOT be purchasing any unneccessary items for the rest of the month (or until tax returns) except my preplanned trip to MAC with mom. I swear. odg i have an issue
Did i mention Coastal Scents brushes were boought??
Coupon code:VALENTINES takes 10% off of All brushes and Concealer Palette.
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