Disregard the awkward woman in the large sweater- it's cold in my home tonight.
Today marks the third week of summer, and my third week as a high school graduate and i spent the day at the dentist and at work. While waiting in the lobby to get my routine cleaning, i was pleaseantly suprised that staring right at me was a television... which would later become my bff after a half hour wait. Anyhoot, I got to watch the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which i NEVER get to see ever. I was thrilled. I'm not an insane Ellen fan or anything, but after Finding Nemo she deserves an Oscar if not a Nobel Peace Prize =just sayin'
I'm always a sucker for a free mind, great dance moves and a killer personality.. all of which she posesses in an hour show=] And who doesn't have the ever entertaining "gay" friend? I know personally i LOVE my gay friends, theres jsut something that makes me understand and open up to them more than anyone else.. Speaking of which i saw soemthing online which made me giggle, and not that giddy school girl giggle, but the smile you get when you watch a love story, or Findign Nemo.. Adam Lambert, quite possibly the most annoying and most entertaining Idol contestant this year came out on 20/20-- i thought it was noble and intense considering the interview wasnt even done by Barbara:/ He's awesome and seems soo cool. Hopefully he does well with his career and all that comes with it:] But one has to wonder how it feels to be Kris Allen.. I mean the guy won American Idol yet runner up , Adam Lambert is wearing snakes as croch accessories on the cover of Rolling Stone ouch.
There's to another useless bit of the night,
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