Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009

Sharing how incredibly excited i am about my new packages i recieved today. Shout out to amazon dot com for the speedy, reliable and affordable services:] Check these books out sometime, more about them later.. after i read them hopefully i get through these easier than twilight(past chapter one)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Curse
More often than never, ive been plagued with the reality that relationships ending are more common than speeding tickets. I mean how many times can Susy went from "in a relationship" to "single" can a girl read in her facebook news feed? I'm pretty cynical when it comes to love, but hell this is note worthy.
Remember, your worth more than two weeks.. your worth three
Main Entry:
1 : a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one : imprecation 2 : something that is cursed or accursed 3 : evil or misfortune that comes as if in response to imprecation or as retribution

Disregard the awkward woman in the large sweater- it's cold in my home tonight.
Today marks the third week of summer, and my third week as a high school graduate and i spent the day at the dentist and at work. While waiting in the lobby to get my routine cleaning, i was pleaseantly suprised that staring right at me was a television... which would later become my bff after a half hour wait. Anyhoot, I got to watch the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which i NEVER get to see ever. I was thrilled. I'm not an insane Ellen fan or anything, but after Finding Nemo she deserves an Oscar if not a Nobel Peace Prize =just sayin'
I'm always a sucker for a free mind, great dance moves and a killer personality.. all of which she posesses in an hour show=] And who doesn't have the ever entertaining "gay" friend? I know personally i LOVE my gay friends, theres jsut something that makes me understand and open up to them more than anyone else.. Speaking of which i saw soemthing online which made me giggle, and not that giddy school girl giggle, but the smile you get when you watch a love story, or Findign Nemo.. Adam Lambert, quite possibly the most annoying and most entertaining Idol contestant this year came out on 20/20-- i thought it was noble and intense considering the interview wasnt even done by Barbara:/ He's awesome and seems soo cool. Hopefully he does well with his career and all that comes with it:] But one has to wonder how it feels to be Kris Allen.. I mean the guy won American Idol yet runner up , Adam Lambert is wearing snakes as croch accessories on the cover of Rolling Stone ouch.
There's to another useless bit of the night,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A friend of mine has recently converted me into a goodwill loving, DIY maniac.. and most recently a self proclaimed Brandi Carlile fan. Very seldom do i find myslef listening to the same song twenty-nine times, but thanks to iTunes, i can keep track. If you've never heard of her, she's different, and unlike many artists today.. she has an awesome voice. Check her out!
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